Your wellbeing is kind of like your income. It can be rewarding, but just how rewarding depends on the time, effort, consistency and investment you put into it.
Understanding this has made my healthy choices (almost) a no-brainer.
I still enjoy life, I have the occasional drink out with friends or on nights out and I definitely eat cake at friends' birthdays.
But during the week, I happily choose to nourish my body with good healthy food and movement. This makes me feel calm and ready to enjoy all the added extras when they're on offer, calmly and without stress.
These are my happier and healthier tips to a happier and healthier life.

1. Daily movement. This is a non negotiable for me. My ideal movement is a Pilates class, but even a 20-minute online stretch, a dog walk or a quick flow in the backyard will give my body a sense of calm. It makes me feel like I've had a moment to myself, even if it's not totally solo and there is a 1-year-old jumping on me. I've still taken care of my body, my mindset and I can get on with my day.
2. Sunday meal prep. At first this was a really tough one. Sacrificing my Sunday – to cook??? But then I changed my mindset. I never know what my week is going to throw at me. Cooking gets me away from the laptop and is actually quite relaxing when you start to enjoy it. Sunday meal prep means I am nourishing my family and myself and with a full fridge I am ready for whatever happens during the week. Monday, run at me!
3. Meditation. This has been a recent addition to life and something I've tried a lot of times but always failed at. I'll be honest, I still have my training wheels on. I've now decided that it is a non-negotiable. I meditate for 20 minutes in the morning and another 20 minutes at night, fit around my daughter's naps. I have recognised that for me to be successful, to be a good partner and parent and to deal with the stresses that come from life and work, I need meditation to be capable at dealing with what comes at me well. It has honestly been life changing.
4. Listening to your body. I've learnt the importance of this more later in life, but it is so important to listen to what your body is craving from both food and movement. Track your energy and look at contributing factors to assess what's working for you and what you could do without. Right now I am predominantly plant-based as I don't really feel like eating meat. The point is I'm listening to my body and what it needs right now. Generally I eat whole foods and a really good balance of foods with minimal sugar. This allows me to really listen to my body, for example, if I'm craving orange juice, I probably need more vitamin C. Same as if I'm craving cheese, I may need more calcium.
5. Setting boundaries for technology. Ever felt yourself feeling time-poor, and then spent 45 minutes scrolling? Where did that 45 minutes come from? Setting limitations for technology is a must for time-management and also helps being present in every situation. I've also found it reduces stress. My phone is not on and around me all the time, I have my app notifications turned off when I know I don't need them and phones are not allowed at the dinner table. Game changer!
6. Connecting with each other. Our friendships need as much nurture and effort as our relationships. Having a strong connection with our friends, family and community is crucial for our mental and physical wellbeing. Taking time to connect, even just by a phone call each week, should be a priority for health and happiness.
7. Research who you're taking advice from! Experts only. Not only is every industry flooded with people who are not great at what they do, but now the world of social media has got people posing as professionals offering advice on every topic. Choose who you take advice from wisely, and think about whether it works for you!
8. Mindset is everything. Feeling tired? Unmotivated? Feeling stressed or burnt out? This is normal and a part of life. The important part is how we respond to this. While the bucket of messina or a bottle of red is often the most attractive option in these situations, try and get outside, ground your feet, move your body or practice gratitude. Avoid the downward spiral and come back stronger like a phoenix in the ashes – you've got this!
9. Be financially well. Having a healthy relationship with money is crucial to feeling calm and contributes so much to your overall wellbeing. Establishing a balance of enjoying life and saving and living within our means is sometimes a tricky balancing act. Get in the habit of looking over your expenses and tracking your spending. It can be a really useful tool to see where you might be going a little overboard and then setting yourself some boundaries. Or alternatively, rewarding yourself for a savvy month! It's all about balance.
10. Get your work and life balanced. Hasn't this been a hot topic over the past few years? and One of the few good things to come from 2022 is so many more people having a hybrid working setup that allows them more flexibility through their week. So many more of us now have an opportunity to take a full lunch break as well as spending more time with family. The hybrid lifestyle has worked well for a lot of people who are now able to train during the day, however, it's also made a lot of people sit still for a lot longer, affecting posture, mobility and mental wellness. We recommend standing up, doing a quick mobility flow every hour to keep your body happy!
If you use any of the hot tips or are already using them and finding they're working for you, let us know on our socials!