Let’s start by defining “healthy”. What does it mean for you? For me, it’s all about balance. I love my food, my red wine and my coffee. I also move for the love of movement. I don’t count calories, live on protein shakes or focus on what I am cutting out.
The healthy choices I make, like eating nourishing foods and moving daily, also make me much less of a jerk, so I keep doing these while I’m on holiday. It’s for the sake of me and whoever I’m away with!

My top 10 “rules” – and I use that term loosely – to stay healthy and enjoy my holidays are based on my mindset. My focus is always on my wellness. What am I doing today for me? What am I doing to nourish my body and mind, relax and enjoy myself, as well as let my hair down?
MINDSET - holidays are to reset, relax and enjoy. Set your thinking to what you’re going to do for yourself, and how you’re going to nourish your body and mind while you’re away. Holiday food is not a golden ticket that you can only find once in your life. Take the mystery out of it, the urgency of “if I don’t try this now I never will” and you’ll find you make choices on what you really want to try, versus absolutely everything that’s offered to you just because you’re away.
MOVE DAILY - set aside 20mins in the morning for a sweat sesh before breakfast. This will get your metabolism firing as well as allow you to relax for the rest of the day.
FOOD… mmmm foooood - Ok, this requires a little bit of planning. Do not starve yourself and say no to everything. One of my favourite things about going away is trying all of the local delicacies; it’s just about pacing yourself. If you’re going out for a pancake breakfast on the Wednesday, opt for an omelette on the Tuesday. If you know dinner is going to be pizza and pasta, balance it with a fresh salad for lunch. Dessert is the best, but I save it for when it looks incredible. A gelato on the beach in Italy is an obvious yes, but I probably won’t be stopping for maccas drive-through for a McFlurry. It’s about picking and choosing what’s worth it for you and balancing it the next day.
WALK, EVERYWHERE. This is so underrated.
HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE - make sure you’ve always got water on hand. Sometimes when you’re thirsty you’ll feel hungry, and when you’re out of routine you tend not to drink as much water as you normally would. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water, then base your food and snack choices on that.
SNACKS - are you hungry, or just eating for the sake of it? Yes, taste, but if you’re not hungry you don’t have to eat the entire plate. I think getting the “you have to finish your plate” lesson everyone’s mum taught them is an important one to leave behind. Eat until you’re satisfied, there is no need to lick the plate.
UNHEALTHY DAYS - Refrain from calling days “unhealthy days” because you’ve had one unhealthy meal. It’s fine to have an unhealthy meal, you’re on holiday! But it’s all 1 about balance.
PRACTICE MINDFUL EATING - this is something I do daily. When you’re eating, enjoy your food. Avoid technology and distractions and enjoy every bite! This will let you enjoy your food more and to take note of when you’re full. Another great tip is to practice a few belly breaths before you start eating. This allows you to slow down, relax and improve digestion – and your whole dining experience!
PROTEIN - keep your eyes peeled for protein as it reduces hunger and appetite and helps to maintain a healthy balance in meals. Protein is found in beans and quinoa as well as fish, meat and chicken.
ALCOHOL - you don’t have to avoid it, but going HAM on the cocktails every night is going to have a spiralling effect on your morning sweat sesh, your meal choices and then your sleep with the extra calorie intake. Alternate every alcoholic drink with a glass of water, try to have alcohol-free nights if you’re away for a few weeks, and if your holiday involves a lot of drinking, swap your wines for vodka sodas, or another lower-calorie option.
I believe that it is crucial to focus on your wellness – all the choices you make benefit your overall wellbeing. If you set your focus and mindset to this, rather than calorie counting and avoiding things, you’re able to enjoy your holiday and have no regrets when you come home.